
Stop Weight Loss Resistance
How To Measure Your Metabolic Damage In 60 Seconds

You like chocolate and your body is weight loss resistant.

How do I know these things? Well, I don't. But the numbers are in my favor. I don't think I have ever met anyone who made a face and said "Eww. Take that thing away!" when I offered them a slab of chocolate.
Likewise, if the numbers I keep hearing about rising obesity rates are correct, there are a LOT more people who are killing their bathroom scales than being kind to them.

There's a reason for that, of course. Keeping trim as you get older is not easy. In fact it is becoming harder and harder to do as the years go by and the "foods" we are exposed to move ever further away from what nature intended them to be.

I am not just talking about processed foods that look NOTHING like what farmers and breeders take to market. Today we have genetically engineered foodstuffs that look for all the world just like they did a couple of generations ago. But on the inside they have version 2.0 attributes that nature never intended for them to express, or for us to consume.

All of this works AGAINST the evolutionary machinery we have developed to digest and assimilate the nutrients we need to function at peak capacity. We end up developing what can best be described as "weight loss resistance" - the inability to lose weight despite the fact that we may be exercising and eating what we think is a reasonably healthy diet.

So when I say you are weight loss resistant, what I mean is that the odds are quite good that your metabolism is completely screwed. Not necessarily permanently, but the longer it stays that way the tougher it is to reverse the damage.
How much damage? That's what this little 60-second quiz was designed to determine:

Click here to find out your Weight Loss Resistance Number

Carolyn Hansen has set up a short 7-question multiple-choice quiz to help you figure out where you lie on her "weight loss resistance scale".
She also provides an immediate "overview" assessment, and if you really want it, a customized analysis based on your answer set.

P.S. So, what's YOUR Weight Loss Resistance Number?

Mars vs. Venus - The Weight Loss Wars

There is a good reason for this, of course, and it has to do with a woman's reproductive role in the species. Women need to be carrying an extra 20 pounds or so of fat before their body will play ball and prepare itself for ovulation each month.

So a woman's body will hold onto that fat, quite literally, for dear life. The life of the next generation.
So there's that element to contend with when you are trying to figure out why the weight is not coming off very easily.

But there are other factors that come into play as the years pass and a woman moves from her twenties to her thirties. Her hormones begin to wane as she moves away from her most reproductive years. But they do not all drop at the same rate and imbalances creep in.

Which can be a big problem. After years of fine balancing for body weight maintenance, the ever greater lop-sidedness of hormone concentrations can skew to favor what appears to be fairly sudden weight gain in a woman's mid-thirties.
And until she figures out how to rebalance those hormones, exercise and careful monitoring of calories is not likely to help all that much.
In effect, her body has become weight loss resistant. And yet, this is just one of MANY ways that it can happen.
If you suspect that your own body is weight loss to at least some degree, you can have your suspicions confirmed or allayed by going here:

That's the link to a short 7-question multiple-choice quiz that fitness expert Carolyn Hansen has set up to help you figure out where you lie on her "weight loss resistance scale".
She also provides an immediate "overview" assessment, and if you really want it, a customized analysis based on your answer set.

Rebound Free Weight Loss

The Curse Of The Rebound Pound
I knew it. Not only is dieting a BAD way to get rid of those extra pounds of unwanted body fat - it's a REALLY bad way.That's because there is now a TON of evidence that suggests the act of dieting does more than strip off fat.It messes up your appetite-related hormones.
That is to say, it lowers the levels of the hormones, like leptin and peptide YY, that suppress hunger.
And it raise levels of those hormones, like ghrelin, that increase your appetite.

Researchers in Australia convinced a gaggle of obese people to take one for the human race and submit to an eye-watering diet of no more than 550 calories for an eight week period.
Me, I have lasted about two days on that diet.
By the time the group was released from their restraints (yes, I'm just kidding) they had lost weight alright - about 30 pounds.

But more interesting was the effect of the dieting on their brains.
Members of the group reported being far more obsessed about food after the study than before it.For most people coming off a diet this effect causes them to eat MORE than enough to replace the weight they have lost, and then a little more to boot.

Call it the "curse of the rebound pounds".
More often than not, dieters end up heavier after dieting than when they started their weight loss attempt.You can blame the action of countless centuries of evolutionary fine tuning for this.
We have evolved a biology that reacts to a perceived famine by dialing up our foraging response so as to compensate for calories lost and prepare us for a similar event in the near future.

The end result is that anyone who practices yo-yo dieting is literally handicapping their future ability to lose weight.So what is one to do to put the fruitless dieting attempts to rest for good, but at the same time move towards a reduced body weight?

Carolyn Hansen, a 30+ year veteran of the weight loss wars, has produced a special report that delves into the subject of yo-yo dieting.She calls it "Stop The Body Weight Bounce" and you can download a FREE copy of it here:Click here for your copy of "Stop The Body Weight Bounce"

Carolyn says you can stop dieting and still lose weight simply by changing your approach to eating.
In fact, she says part of the secret to losing weight is to eat more, not less.
The trick, is knowing WHAT to eat.

Why you eat like a polar bear...
One of the greatest survival adaptations in the evolutionary history of mammals may turn out to be our undoing.It explains why we humans find it so darned easy to get fat.Scientists tell us that our bodies contains around ten times more fat-storing cells in relation to body weight than most other animals.From a body-tissue point of view we are fat-rich.

Like polar bears.But unlike the bears, which need to endure long periods of limited food availability, we have year-round supermarkets.According to researchers who study the effects of calorie restriction, after about eight weeks of dieting the body learns to get by on a lower calorie diet.
It compensates by reducing fat burning and dials up the efficiency of its fat storing ability.

So when you come OFF that diet and resume your normal eating habits you gain weight more rapidly than in the past.The effect is as though you had added another 400 or so calories to your plate each day.Researchers think the effect may last for up to several YEARS.
Well, that's not good news, is it?

It means that eventually your weight goes up to what it was before you hopped on the diet, and then it continues to go up until you feel compelled to repeat the process again.So what is the solution to this?
How does a yo-yo dieter get themselves off the endless cycle of failed dieting attempts?
Carolyn Hansen has addressed this very subject in her special report "Stop The Body Weight Bounce".

The report is FREE and you can download your copy here:Click here to discover Rebound Free Weight Loss
So, if you have ever found yourself eating like a bear, and frustrated at the needle on the bathroom scale that seems to inch ever higher with each dieting attempt, now you know what that's all about.